GUEST: Well, my friend Kim, uh, inherited her Great-Aunt Harriet's estate, and I helped her go through it. We, we sold some of it, and I helped her, helped her sell it, and I helped her ship it out, and she told me I could pick something. And so I, I asked her for this.
APPRAISER: Do you have any idea on this?
GUEST: No, well, I think it's Italian. You know, it's, it's got, um, "Italian" written on the back of it, yeah, yeah, so...
APPRAISER: You're one for one-- it is definitely Italian. And this is actually a, it's sort of an homage piece to a very important era in Italian art, the Renaissance era, and this was made in the latter half of the 1800s. Probably around 1880 or so. And it's in an era called the Renaissance Revival. Now, this is a big, super-showy piece, and it has this really interesting, uh, way that it's actually held together here.
GUEST: Mm-hmm. Yes, yes.
APPRAISER: With the...
GUEST: The pencils, yes.
APPRAISER: This is the greatest make-do wire ever. It's, like, "Yeah, we're going to use a pencil to do this."
GUEST: Yeah.
APPRAISER: There's that nice label there. No marks on the back that you can see. But not surprising. And it's very typical of Italian pottery from this time period.
APPRAISER: Any idea what it's worth?
GUEST: No, we, we don't have a clue. We don't have a clue, so...
APPRAISER: At auction, you would expect this to bring around $1,800 to $2,000.
GUEST: Oh, really? That's... (laughs) Well, Kim, we're gonna have to have a party. (laughs)