GUEST: Well, this is my great-grandmother's doll. My great-grandmother was the youngest of six girls, and she was born in Florence in 1849. When she was about seven years old, her mother took up with a papal guard and wanted to continue her fling.
APPRAISER: (laughs)
GUEST: And so she sent her six girls and a grand piano on a sailing ship to Boston to live with the grandparents. The story is that it came with her on the ship.
APPRAISER: Your doll was made in France.
GUEST: In France? Oh.
APPRAISER: Yes, and the maker was Jumeau. She has got on a human hair wig.
GUEST: It is?
APPRAISER: And it's very possible...
GUEST: It could be.
APPRAISER: ...that it could be your great-grandmother's hair.
GUEST: Yeah.
APPRAISER: Her auction value would be somewhere between $2,500 and $3,500.
GUEST: (laughing): Wow. Wow, that's great. Did you hear that, Roy? (laughing): Wow.