APPRAISER: Is this a desk that you work at?
GUEST: Yes, all the time. Pay bills, mainly.
APPRAISER: Pay bills? Descended in your family, you said earlier.
APPRAISER: There's a couple things that I'd like to point out that I find interesting. First of all is this plaque that's in the center here that says that this was manufactured by H.H. Wiggers or Kearney & Wiggers, and it's got a patent mark on it. And that patent mark relates to what I believe is the mechanical aspects of this desk, which is kind of fun in the fact that we open that up and the desk rolls out and gives you a good writing surface. Another thing that's interesting about this piece is its design. It's what we call a Modern Gothic. Modern Gothic is distinguished by these geometric lines and also the motifs that you see down there on the lower gallery. I'd price it at about $4,000.
GUEST: Okay, thank you. I appreciate that very much.