GUEST: I collect bobble heads and I went to get a bobble head from a yard sale, and the woman who sold me the bobble head invited me in her house. She just kept bringing out amazing thing after amazing thing. And she had gotten them from her aunt, who she said worked for the Mets and that's how she got the whole collection.
APPRAISER: And you're a Met fan yourself?
GUEST: Die-hard Mets fan born and raised in New York.
APPRAISER: These are all dating from the 1960s, the very birth of the team. So which one of these is your favorite?
GUEST: Probably Lady Met because she doesn't exist anymore, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me because she's so cool.
APPRAISER: This is obviously a souvenir item from the 1960s. I think there's a date of 1967 on the back, but not a lot of these were sold at the ball park and not a lot of them are out there in the wild. And when you do find them-- and it's rare-- the hat, always gone, the pendant, always gone. You have a very early Mr. Met bobble head doll. This probably predates that. What also you have here is this wonderful ashtray. This is from the dedication of Shea Stadium. Shea Stadium came into being in 1964. And what else is neat, you have a signed ball from the era as well, probably '63 or '64. And then you have a pin here from one of the hot dog vendors. Amazing collection, wonderful things. There's more stuff, but just what's on the table here, I'd insure it for $2,500.
GUEST: Wow, great.