GUEST: I acquired these from my great-aunt about 1972.
APPRAISER: That color palette is specific to China. And these date from about 1785.
APPRAISER: From the Qing dynasty. The particular decoration is typical of wares that were made for export from China to the West. On the underside, we have this octagonal label that shows us that this in fact has been around awhile. There are recent copies being made, but these are, in fact, genuine items that had been, at least in a retail sense, offered probably in the late 19th century, early 20th century for sale. This was probably part of a five-piece garniture. It would have been made for a fireplace mantel or on a table, and at the time, it would have been very exotic. For the pair, I'd say at auction, about $600 to $900 today. The prices for these have dropped a little bit.
GUEST: Okay.