GUEST: The doll was given to me by my seventh-grade teacher back in 1940. She said it was her doll when she was a little girl, and she wanted it to go to a good home. And I did play with it for several years.
APPRAISER: You must have been her favorite student.
GUEST: I don't know. (laughs)
APPRAISER: That's a complete wardrobe for this doll.
APPRAISER: I was so excited when I saw it and everything, especially because it's all original. The clothes are all original. Here you can see all the extra clothes that you brought in that came in the trunk. The trunk is very elaborate. It's more detail than I've ever seen in a trunk. Actually, the number of outfits that came with the doll is really unusual. There are so many more outfits inside the trunk that we're not even... that are not on display. The doll was made by Simon & Halbig, which is a German firm. They start making dolls about 1869. Your doll dates about 1880.
GUEST: All right.
APPRAISER: The mold number is 908, which is marked on the back of the head.
GUEST: Okay.
APPRAISER: It has its original skin wig. Original straight wrist body. On today's market at auction, this could bring anywhere between $4,000 and $6,000.
GUEST: Wow. Really?