GUEST: I found these at a yard sale in a dirty garage. They were filthy. I paid 50 cents for these.
APPRAISER: All four?
GUEST: All four.
APPRAISER: They are hand-blown, they're American, and they're actually Steuben.
GUEST: Oh, good.
APPRAISER: And from the Frederick Carder era. It's difficult to say exactly when they were made, since they were made for such a long period of time, but I would put a circa date of about 1910 on these. And on one of them, using my magnifying glass and my very strong light, I saw the remnants of an acid-stamp signature.
APPRAISER: It was very difficult to find, but it is there. This type of glass is called verre de soie glass, which means "glass of silk." In addition, you have very nice Art Nouveau engraved design. In a retail venue, something like these would probably sell for $200 apiece.
GUEST: Ooh! That's great.