GUEST: It was given to us by an older friend. We're a friend of the family.
APPRAISER: Oh, okay, very nice. Well, as you know, or may have surmised, this is a Tiffany lamp. It's a leaded-glass shade and a patinated bronze base-- that very pretty, kind of Art Deco look-- and the shade here is stamped "Tiffany Studios, New York," and it's late 19th, early 20th century. Very nice quality glass, which is typical of Tiffany lamps. We'll turn this off, here. The patinated bronze base has a little compartment here-- it comes out-- and that is also stamped "Tiffany Studios." Nice lamp, great base, more common shade than many shades. I think conservatively, at auction, $8,000 to $12,000, $10,000 to $15,000. So not a bad gift.
GUEST: Are you serious? I can't believe this!
APPRAISER: Tiffany lamps are very desirable and people like the look.
GUEST: Say that again.
APPRAISER: $8,000 to $12,000, $10,000 to $15,000. Nice base, good shade.
GUEST: I'm in shock! (laughing) Oh, I gotta sit down.