GUEST: Oh, I got this chair at an auction, oh, a year or two ago.
APPRAISER: Yeah? What did you ultimately pay for the piece?
GUEST: I paid less than $2,000.
APPRAISER: You paid less than $2,000. Okay. I think that it is a Venetian hand-carved chair from about 1880. There was a school of this wonderfully audacious, and some of it bodacious, furniture that came out of a number of shops in Italy, and they exported this kind of really wildly carved furniture all over the world. So it is in that school.
GUEST: What kind of wood do you think it is?
APPRAISER: I think it's walnut. At auction, we might put an estimate on it in the $1,500 to $2,000 range. When you see these in-in shops or online, you see them up to close to $6,000 as a retail price for it.
GUEST: Yeah.