GUEST: This handbag was given to me by a choir member that I used to do favors for as far as picking her up for choir and attending church.
APPRAISER: Oh, so a lady from your church gave it to you.
APPRAISER: It's a really lovely bag from the late 1950s, early '60s. It's a Lucite bag in a pearlescent pattern, and it is signed right here by the manufacturer. Wilardy was a well known name in the Lucite bag industry.
APPRAISER: All the hardware is brass. It has a fabulous handle, which starts out as two separate ones and then joins at the center, so it's more comfortable when you're carrying it. It's unusual in that it's a sort of a domed top. Many of the earlier ones were flat tops. So, you can get a lot more in this bag than the others. (laughs) I would place a retail value on this bag between $300 and $400.
APPRAISER: So, it was a lovely gift.
GUEST: Absolutely.