GUEST: I bought it on a wedding trip 22 years ago on the island of Kauai. I fell in love with it. I think it's an effigy bowl, I'm not really sure.
APPRAISER: Do you have any idea where it's from?
GUEST: I always called it Pacific Northwest, maybe Eskimo.
APPRAISER: I think you're right.
GUEST: Really? Oh, good.
APPRAISER: I think it's definitely Eskimo, and it's a remarkable object. First of all, it's made out of spruce. It's a fairly soft wood. And it's quite extraordinary. I mean, I have never seen, and my colleagues also, one that has this head fixed on the top. The Eskimos don't really do decorative art. Everything they do has a function. And they also believed that each of these objects has a spirit in it, the yua, and I think that the head probably represents the spirit of the bowl. Mostly, you see these as finger puppets, and it's a strange notion. I mean, maybe this is meant to look like a mask and this is the body. One is inclined to think that it would be ceremonial. I mean, we don't really know.
GUEST: Right.
APPRAISER: The back, you can also see, it's actually hollowed out, which makes me think it is a mask in miniature. Very nice grooved carvings around the side here, traces of pigment. There's been some damage, which has been repaired. I don't know when-- before you got it, I think.
GUEST: Right.
APPRAISER: The bowl I think is probably the beginning of the 19th century, which is early for this material. It could even be earlier-- 1780s, 1790s. How much did you pay for the group?
GUEST: $400.
APPRAISER: Okay, so do you have any idea, what do you think it's worth?
GUEST: I'm going to throw out a number: $1,500, maybe?
APPRAISER: I will put a price of, say, between $18,000 and $20,000.
GUEST: Oh, my goodness.
APPRAISER: And I think with more research... That's a retail price, and I think at auction, it possibly could go much higher.
GUEST: Oh, my Lord.
APPRAISER: But I like to be conservative about this, and I think $18,000 to $20,000 is a conservative price. It's really a remarkable object.
GUEST: This is my wedding gift. Makes me want to cry because of the history of where I got it and how I got it.