Interview: Two Peas and Their Pod, Food Blogger | PBS Food

Kitchen Careers: Two Peas and Their Pod, Food Blogger

Kitchen Careers is a regular feature that goes behind-the-scenes with chefs, bloggers, critics and others in the food industry to get the inside scoop on what its like to cook, or eat, for a living.
Meet Maria
Maria and Josh Lichty not only enjoy cooking and entertaining together, but they enjoy sharing it with others. On their blog, Two Peas and Their Pod, Maria and Josh share recipes for simple, family-friendly food along with anecdotes about their culinary adventures. Aside from their blog, Maria and Josh can be found on Facebook and Twitter. Recipes can also be found at Pinterest as well as at Tasty Kitchen. Who is your culinary icon? Dorie Greenspan. I love her cookbooks and recipes, but mostly I admire her passion, generosity, and love for everything she does in life. She is an inspiration in and out of the kitchen. Why do you love to cook? My dad taught me how to cook and bake at a young age. It’s always been a part of my life. Now, I enjoy cooking with my husband. We love spending time together in the kitchen and we love sharing our creations with others.
The Two Peas and Their Pod Kitchen
What is the best part about being a food blogger? I love waking up every day to do what I love. I also love being part of the food blogging community. I’ve met some of my dearest friends through food blogging. Who would you want to battle on Iron Chef? I would love to challenge Bobby Flay.
Delicious Strawberry Nutella Muffins from Two Peas and Their Pod
What was your first published recipe? My first published recipe was my Banana Cinnamon Chip Cake. It is an easy recipe that comes in handy when you have brown bananas sitting on the counter. What is your favorite food city? We enjoy tasting new foods and flavors wherever we travel, but two of my favorite food cities are when we travel San Francisco and Cinque Terre, Italy.
On the blog find the recipe for Pumpkin Cinnamon Streusel Pancakes
What three PBS personalities would you invite to dinner (animated, muppet, or living)? Clifford, Cookie Monster, and Julia Child. I know that would be an interesting dinner party, but a fun one What meal/snack is your guilty pleasure? I have an obsession with cookies. We have over 100 cookie recipes on our blog. I love creating new recipes, baking the cookies, and of course eating them. What is your favorite under appreciated kitchen tool? I love my Silpat baking mats. I use them every time I bake cookies, which is almost every day.
Triple Chocolate Orea Chunk Cookies from Two Peas and Their Pod
In one tweet (140 characters or less)- what is your culinary style? Our culinary style is simple, fresh, and family-friendly…and we always save room for dessert. When outside the kitchen, how do you spend your time? I love watching sports with my husband, reading, exercising, and snuggling with our new baby boy.

Is there a person in the food industry or a type of “Kitchen Careers” that you would like to know more about? Add your suggestions in the comment section!

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