Cream of Lambsquarter Soup
Cream of Lambsquarter Soup

Cream of Lambsquarter Soup

by Aube Giroux on Jul 31, 2013

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6 servings
Soup and Stew


  • ¼ cup butter
  • ¼ cup flour
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cups organic chicken or vegetable broth
  • 1 pound unsprayed lambsquarter
  • 1 cup light or 'half-and-half' cream
  • Salt, pepper, and nutmeg, to taste


  1. In a heavy-bottomed medium pot, cook the onions in the butter, over medium-low heat until onions have softened (about 5 to 10 minutes). Add the flour and stir constantly, cooking for a minute. Add the chicken broth slowly, a little at a time, while whisking well to avoid the flour lumping. Simmer the soup for about 10 minutes or until thickened, whisking frequently.
  2. Add the lambsquarter, and cook for another 4 or 5 minutes or until lambsquarter is tender but has not lost its vibrant color. Remove from heat and cool slightly.
  3. Using a hand blender or a counter top blender, purée the soup until smooth and velvety.
  4. Return the soup to its saucepan, add the cream and return to heat. Bring the soup back up to temperature but do not boil after the cream has been added.
  5. Add salt, pepper, and nutmeg to taste. Enjoy with warm crusty bread or croutons.

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