Capunti With Jason Stoneburner
May 4, 2017
Handmade pasta is a thing of art. And as with any piece of art, every type of pasta comes with its own folklore. Spaghetti comes from Sicily but may have been brought there by Arab conquest. Ravioli's earliest mention can be found in letters from a fourteenth-century Tuscan merchant. Capuntia, short, oval pasta resembling an open pea pod comes from Puglia (the heel of Italy's boot) and is historically made by hand with the highest-quality durum wheat.
Capunti are a favorite of our friend Jason Stoneburner, chef/owner/namesake of Stoneburner, one of Seattle's best spots for handmade gluten-rich treats. Incredibly versatile, these little canoes can be rustic or fancy, take less than hour to make, and suit any sauce, with all the right crevices to hold on to flavor perfectly. Let Jason walk you through the steps of making this history-rich pasta in no time at all.