Perfect Nigiri at Home
Mar 28, 2017
When it comes to nigiri, technique is everything. People train for decades to be senior chefs at the world's best raw-fish joints and with good reason. Nigiri is all about delicate balance: without the right pressure from your hand, sushi can fall apart on its way to your mouth; without attention to detail, delicate flavor pairings, and a little restraint, the fresh, line-caught fish you spent an arm and a leg on goes to waste.
Proper technique and understanding will make or break traditional nigiri. So we asked Seattle sushi guru Taichi Kitamura of Sushi Kappo Tamura to show us the ropes. Taichi proves that sushi doesn't have to be scary. Homemade nigiri will definitely make you look like a pro, but it can actually be easier to make than you (or your guests) might think. Yes, it takes time to perfect the technique, but practice makes perfect, which means a lot of quality fish in your family's future. And we don't think anyone will complain about that.