Sweet Ghost Crisps
by Alice Currah on Oct 8, 2013
The other afternoon, after I finished working on my Googly Eyed Ghost Pop post, I went to the refrigerator for something, and there on the shelf was a package of egg roll wrappers... inspiration struck. I had just finished draping modeling chocolate over rice krispies treat balls to make ghost pops and thought I could use the egg roll wrappers to do a similar thing. I immediately got busy with my experiment. I bunched up some parchment paper, set it on an upside-down muffin tin, brushed an egg roll wrapper with egg wash, draped it over the parchment paper ball, and baked it in the oven for a few minutes. It came out crispy, held its shape perfectly, and looked like a ghost. I sat for a while pondering what I'd do with the ghosts. How could I fill them with something savory, or how could I make them sweet? I decided that filling them would not work very well, however, they could be sprinkled with a bit of salt, baked, and served alongside a savory dip. I thought that was a good idea, but another one crept into my mind and I gave it a try. I made a second ghost, this time I sprinkled it with some sugar and added a face drawn on with an edible food coloring marker before baking. The sugar caramelized which added a cool scraggly texture to the ghost and added just the right amount of sweetness. They are good enough to eat all on their own.
Of course, everything tastes better dipped in chocolate, so I might also choose to make some chocolate fondue to serve alongside these crispy little ghosts. I went ahead and made up a batch, snapped some step-by-step pictures, and baked them. In less than 20 minutes I was ready to take pictures of the finished ghosts. Our dining room has already been decorated with castle wall scene setters for our party (which is less than a month away!) I thought the castle walls would make a great backdrop for an interesting picture. I took my ghosts into the dining room to figure out how to set up the shot. The room was pretty dark and I thought I'd have to do a lot to light the scene. I set the ghosts down on the buffet which just happens to be black and a bit shiny. I immediately noticed that the ghosts were reflected on the surface. I loved it. The eerie glow was perfect. I snapped a few shots and was happy with the results. I can honestly say that this was, from start to finish, the quickest I've ever completed a recipe and photo shoot. I wish they were all that easy.