Heirloom salad
Heirloom salad

John Forti's Heirloom Salad

Oct 17, 2022

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  • Lettuce, kale, arugula, beet greens or any other greens
  • Sorrel
  • Purslane
  • Baby beet greens
  • Lambsquarters
  • Sweet Cicely
  • Salad Burnett
  • Naturtium leaves and flowers
  • Borage flowers, violets, daylilies, beebalm, calendula, or any edible flower
  • Basil, lemonbalm, chives, and other herbs for their flowers or their leaves
  • Dill seeds, nigella seeds, poppy seeds
  • Currants or any fruit or berry in season


  1. Carefully wash and spin dry all the ingredients. Tear up larger leaves and petals and leave smallers ones whole. Carefully assemble your salad, starting with leaves, and moving on to flowers, seeds, and fruit.
  2. Splash with some good quality vinegar and oil and toss gently. Serve right away.

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