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Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for veterans in crisis and their families and friends.
If you or someone you know is experiencing the symptoms of emotional distress, including thoughts of suicide, immediate help is available by dialing 988 (Press 1). Confidential help is also available in a chat online, or by sending a text message to 838255.

Gary Sinise Foundation: Relief and Resiliency

The Gary Sinise Foundation’s Relief and Resiliency Outreach Program addresses the mental wellness needs of our nation’s service members, first responders and veterans through innovative and empowering treatment methods.


Vets4Warriors is committed to ensuring that every member of the military community in need of support has direct and immediate access to a peer who understands what they are going through.

Cohen Veterans Network

The Cohen Veterans Network provides personalized, evidence-based mental health care and support for veterans and their families through a national network of clinics.

NAMI Homefront

NAMI Homefront is designed to address the unique needs of family, caregivers and friends of those who have served or are currently serving our country. The program is taught by trained family members of service members/veterans with mental health conditions.

Give an Hour

Service members and their families may struggle with anxiety, depression, substance abuse or post-traumatic stress disorder. GAH’s national network of volunteer mental health professionals offers free and confidential counseling to active service members and their loved ones. 

Vet Center

Vet Centers are community-based counseling centers that provide a wide range of social and psychological services, including professional readjustment counseling to eligible Veterans, active duty service members, including National Guard and Reserve components, and their families.

Pets for Vets

The goal of this nationwide organization is to help heal the emotional wounds of military veterans by pairing them with a specially selected shelter animal. The animals are rehabilitated by professionals who can include training for desensitization to wheel chairs or crutches as well as recognizing panic or anxiety disorder behaviors.

Project Hero

Project Hero is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping veterans and first responders affected by PTSD, TBI and injury achieve rehabilitation, recovery and resilience in their daily lives and increasing awareness to combat PTSD and TBI. 

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

Created by bereaved military families, TAPS offers grief counseling, benefits counseling and support groups, as well as special programs for grieving children. Helpline team members are available 24/7 to guide callers to appropriate services or simply to listen and talk. 

Quick Response Force

Quick Reaction Force is IAVA’s one-stop-shop solution. They offer 24/7 free and confidential assistance to any veteran who needs it, no matter the challenge.

Help For Our Heroes

Led by a military veteran and former first responder, this program is specifically designed for military veterans, police officers, corrections officers, firefighters, paramedics, and other emergency personnel to help them cope with the problems incurred by job stress and chemical dependency.

Operation Mend

Operation Mend provides advanced surgical and medical treatment for post-9/11-era warriors injured during combat operations or while training for service, as well as comprehensive psychological healthcare and social support for both wounded warriors and their family members.

Face the Fight

Face the Fight works to break the stigma surrounding suicide in the military community by raising awareness and fostering real, open conversations around support and hope.