
This archive of companion sites to NOVA broadcasts is no longer being updated. To see new content, go to NOVA's beta site.

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18 Ways to Make a Baby

18 Ways to Make a Baby
Investigate the brave new world of assisted reproduction.

NOVA scienceNOW: 1918 Flu

NOVA scienceNOW: 1918 Flu
A virus that killed up to 50 million people is brought back to life to decipher its deadliness.

Animal Hospital

Animal Hospital
High-tech health care comes to veterinary medicine—radiology to surgery, intensive care to sports medicine.

NOVA scienceNOW: Aging

NOVA scienceNOW: Aging
Will research into "longevity genes" help us live longer and healthier lives?

NOVA scienceNOW: Anthrax Investigation

NOVA scienceNOW: Anthrax Investigation
In this bonus video, see how scientists could tell whether the anthrax in the 2001 attacks was specially engineered to disperse through the air.

NOVA scienceNOW: Autism Genes

NOVA scienceNOW: Autism Genes
Researchers have begun to zero in on genes that might be responsible for autism.


Explore germ warfare's chilling past, present, and future.

NOVA scienceNOW: Bird Brains

NOVA scienceNOW: Bird Brains
Clues to the origins of human language are turning up in the brains of birds.

Brain Eater, The

Brain Eater, The
Scientists scramble to understand the devastating ailment known as mad cow disease.

NOVA scienceNOW: Brain Trauma

NOVA scienceNOW: Brain Trauma
Even so-called "mild" head injuries turn out to be anything but.

Cancer Warrior, The

Cancer Warrior, The
Judah Folkman and other researchers pioneer a novel approach to cancer treatment.


Neurosurgeon Jamshid Ghajar sparks a revolution in the treatment of head-trauma victims.

Cracking the Code of Life

Cracking the Code of Life
Follow the race to decode the human genome and see how this newfound knowledge is already changing medicine.

Cut to the Heart

Cut to the Heart
Ever since World War II, physicians have struggled to find ways to treat heart failure, the biggest killer in the modern world.

Deadly Ascent

Deadly Ascent
A team of doctors and climbers on Denali test the body's response to extreme cold.

Doctors' Diaries

Doctors' Diaries
Seven doctors, 21 years... Saving lives is only part of the story.

Dying to Be Thin

Dying to Be Thin
Life-threatening eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are on the rise among America's youth.

Electric Heart

Electric Heart
Pioneering surgeons test artificial hearts in the hope of saving the lives of people with coronary heart disease.

NOVA scienceNOW: Epigenetics

NOVA scienceNOW: Epigenetics
Our lifestyles and environment can change the way our genes are expressed, leading even identical twins to become distinct as they age.

Family That Walks on All Fours

Family That Walks on All Fours
Experts explore the mysterious story of five siblings living in a remote Turkish village.

Forgotten Genius

Forgotten Genius
Against all odds, African-American chemist Percy Julian became one of the great scientists of the 20th century.

Ghost in Your Genes

Ghost in Your Genes
Experts investigate how a mysterious "second genome" helps determine our biological fates.

Harvest of Fear

Harvest of Fear
Genetically modified foods—a wondrous advance or a new threat? Explore the growing controversy.

Killer Disease on Campus

Killer Disease on Campus
Doctors combat the deadliest form of meningitis, which strikes young people out of the blue.

NOVA scienceNOW: Killer Microbe

NOVA scienceNOW: Killer Microbe
A relatively benign bug becomes a highly lethal pathogen, known to U.S. soldiers as Iraqibacter.

NOVA scienceNOW: Leeches

NOVA scienceNOW: Leeches
A century after falling out of favor among doctors, medicinal leeches are back in hospitals, sucking away on patients' wounds.

Life and Death in the War Zone

Life and Death in the War Zone
An American combat hospital mobilized in Iraq faces a daily drama of wartime treatment.

Life's Greatest Miracle

Life's Greatest Miracle
Lennart Nilsson's microphotography chronicles the growth of a baby from embryo to newborn.

Marathon Challenge

Marathon Challenge
Explore what it takes—physically and mentally—for novice runners to make it through a classic test of endurance.

NOVA scienceNOW: Marathon Mouse

NOVA scienceNOW: Marathon Mouse
With an "exercise pill," researchers turn couch-potato rodents into champion runners.

NOVA scienceNOW: Of Mice and Memory

NOVA scienceNOW: Of Mice and Memory
Mice placed in enriched environments can recover lost memories, giving hope to those who study Alzheimer's.

NOVA scienceNOW: Mirror Neurons

NOVA scienceNOW: Mirror Neurons
A recently discovered system in the brain may help explain why we humans can get so worked up watching other people.

Most Dangerous Woman in America, The

Most Dangerous Woman in America, The
Examine the complex case of Typhoid Mary, a cook who was quarantined for life against her will in the early 1900s.

Musical Minds

Musical Minds
Oliver Sacks explores how the power of music can make the brain come alive.

NOVA scienceNOW: Obesity

NOVA scienceNOW: Obesity
Examine the biology behind the compulsion to eat.

NOVA scienceNOW: Personal DNA Testing

NOVA scienceNOW: Personal DNA Testing
Genetic testing to assess risk factors for a handful of serious illnesses is now commercially available. But is it a good idea?

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Bonnie Bassler

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Bonnie Bassler
Her insight into how bacteria "talk" has launched a revolution in biological and medical research.

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Judah Folkman

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Judah Folkman
Once scorned for his ideas about how cancer grows, the late Judah Folkman is now hailed as a visionary.

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Naomi Halas

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Naomi Halas
Naomi Halas is a pioneering nanotechnologist bent on seeing practical applications for her work—and soon.

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa
He jumped the fence from Mexico to work as a farmhand and ended up a leading brain surgeon.

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Pardis Sabeti

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Pardis Sabeti
By night she's a rocker. By day, she's a Harvard geneticist tracking the evolution of the human genome.

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Edith Widder

NOVA scienceNOW: Profile: Edith Widder
Meet a marine biologist and explorer who has engineered new ways to spy on deep-sea creatures.

NOVA scienceNOW: The Science of Picky Eaters

NOVA scienceNOW: The Science of Picky Eaters
Don't like broccoli? Your DNA may explain why.

Search for a Safe Cigarette

Search for a Safe Cigarette
The tobacco industry's quest for a "safer" cigarette is filled with promise and pitfalls.

Secrets of the Mind

Secrets of the Mind
Neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran's intimate encounters with his patients reveal a novel picture of the brain.

Sex: Unknown

Sex: Unknown
What makes a person male or female? Can you be both? Explore the complex world of gender identity.

NOVA scienceNOW: Sleep

NOVA scienceNOW: Sleep
Why do we need sleep? Part of the answer may be to strengthen memories.

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells
What are they, and how do we find a balance between hope for cures and respect for life?

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells Breakthrough

NOVA scienceNOW: Stem Cells Breakthrough
Three separate teams overcome a biomedical hurdle—creating stem cells without the use of human embryos.

Surviving AIDS

Surviving AIDS
Molecular biologists, immunologists, geneticists, and physicians pool their expertise in search of an AIDS vaccine.

Surviving Denali

Surviving Denali
A team of doctors and climbers on Mt. McKinley investigate the body's ability to maintain its core temperature in sub-zero weather.

Survivor M.D.

Survivor M.D.
NOVA follows seven Harvard Medical School students for 13 years to see what it takes to become a fully qualified doctor.

Truth about Impotence, The

Truth about Impotence, The
NOVA reports on new hope for victims of erectile dysfunction.

A Walk to Beautiful

A Walk to Beautiful
A powerful story of healing and hope for women in Ethiopia devastated by childbirth injuries

What Are Dreams?

What Are Dreams?
Psychologists and brain scientists have new answers to an age-old question.

World in the Balance

World in the Balance
NOVA investigates forces that are radically changing populations in both rich and poor nations, and explores how to create a world that can sustain the human race.


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