Watercress and Veggie Wrap Recipe | Sandwich Recipes | PBS Food

Use whatever vegetables you have on hand for this veggie wrap. You can watch Sue prepare this wrap in this clip from Good Food, Good Life, 365.


Yield: 1 serving


  • Spread for the wrap:1/4 cup vegenaise or mayonnaise
  • a little grated orange zest
  • 1 tablespoon freshly-sqeezed orange or lime juice
  • For each wrap:1 whole wheat or sprouted grain tortilla
  • fresh watercress leaves
  • sliced red bell pepper
  • sliced avocado
  • grated carrot
  • sliced jalapeno pepper


  1. Spread mayonnaise mixture over tortilla. Layer with watercress, red bell pepper, avocado, grated carrot and jalapeno. Roll up and eat. >


When shopping for watercress, look for dark green leaves on crisp stems. Store in the refrigerator and use within a few days. Watercress purchased with roots attached will last longer in the refrigerator than just the leaves.

Did you know watercress is related to nasturtiums? Both edible and both peppery and delicious. Watercress is an excellent source of antioxidants, calcium and vitamin C.

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