How to Make Butter Recipe | PBS Food

Making homemade butter has never been this easy. With the help of a food processor or stand mixer, all you need is heavy cream and a pinch of salt to make fresh homemade butter.


Prep time: 10 Minutes

Total time: 10 Minutes

Yield: 3/4 cup


  • 1 pint Heavy Cream
  • pinch of sea salt or kosher salt


  1. Add the heavy cream to a food processor.  Process for 6-7 minutes, scraping down the bowl half way through.
  2. The cream will separate into tiny balls of pale-yellow butter curds and liquid butter milk.
  3. Transfer the butter over a strainer and gently rinse with water. Strain the butter through the strainer.
  4. Add a small pinch of salt and knead the butter by hand until creamy.
  5. Transfer the butter to an airtight container and refrigerate.  Use within two weeks.
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