Shocked? Daisy Coulam Thought You’d Be

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A stunning revelation in the village of Grantchester leaves everybody at a loss for words — but Grantchester series creator Daisy Coulam was plotting this moment the entire season. Coulam returns to the podcast for a conversation about change, growth and thematic consistency in her charming series.

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Jace Lacob: I’m Jace Lacob, and you’re listening to MASTERPIECE Studio.

A shocking revelation brings the bustling village of Grantchester to a halt — and shakes Reverend Will Davenport to his very core.


Vic I’m a good man.

Will You really believe it, don’t you?

Vic If that boy wants to stand up in court, and say those vile things, then that’s what he’s gonna have to do. But it’ll be my word against his. And I don’t like his chances.

Jace The green and pleasant contemporary Eden of the last few months is lit ablaze after boxing coach Vic Morgan is revealed to be a serial sexual abuser of the young men who train with him — and Will can’t help but feel responsible, after sending one wayward youth, Matthew Butler, right into Vic’s clutches.


Will When you live with someone like him, they erode you. You lose all sense of who you are. And it’s only about them. They make you feel weak and lost. Marie…you don’t have to feel lost anymore.  

Jace It’s an alarming turn for the cozy series — but one with subtle hints sprinkled throughout the entire season, thanks to the deft scripting of creator Daisy Coulam and her team of writers.


Geordie And how come he always so bloody cheerful? ‘Vic’s Victors…’ Too many punches to the head if you ask me.

Will Come on, it’s got to be better than Borstal. Hard work, discipline, the chance to make something of themselves.

Geordie Yeah, tougher criminals.

Jace A regular here on the podcast, Coulam joins us again for a conversation about false Edens, this season’s themes and the upcoming fifth season finale.

Jace And this week, we are joined by Grantchester head writer Daisy Coolum. Welcome.

Daisy Thank you very much. Back again.

Jace Back again. Good to have you again. Season four of Grantchester was a season where you reset. James Norton left. Tom Brittney came in. After that experience, how different was it prepping for season five in terms of story?

Daisy Do you know it sort of cleared the deck, really. It gave us a chance to breathe and go, okay, ‘We’ve got a new character. What do we want to put him through?’ And I think because Will is such an idealistic character, we decided we wanted to put him through the mill a bit and shake his values. So that was the basis for our series where they gave us quite good shape.

Jace  And it did, I feel like, shake things up creatively overall. I mean, every character had to deal with this departure of the main character. The baton handing was very smooth. It also injected this new sense of vitality to Grantchester. Did you see it as an opportunity to sort of shake things up creatively?

Daisy I’m glad you thought it was smooth. Thank you. It was a very hard thing to do, really, because, you know, being totally honest, there was part of me that thought, ‘If James leaves, does that mean the show ends?’ And I think we were lucky to get somebody like Tom Brittney, he’s adorable and passionate and energetic. And he sort of, he is what the character is, really. And that really helped us kind of give a fresh energy to the show. And he wears bicycle leathers, you know, he’s just modern. And I think that really helps shape this season.

Jace Season five saw the entire cast return intact, allowing those new relationships time to further develop. Has the genuine rapport between Tom Britney and Robson Green surprised you?

Daisy Not really, because Robson Green is the kindest, most generous actor, and I think he brings out the best in anyone, but I think we were surprised that we managed to find chemistry again between two actors. We always talk about it. It was an alchemy with James and Robson. But I didn’t think we’d create again, and yet we did in a slightly different way and a more father son way. So it was just relief to me that it works again. Relief and excitement.

Jace I mean, it’s funny you say that because I was going to ask Sidney and Geordie were more of contemporaries, but there is this sort of father-son quality baked into the dynamic between Will and Geordie, one that definitely plays itself out this season.


Geordie Just what I need, this. A night of masculine pursuits.

Will Steady on, Geordie.

Geordie Two men. Beer. No talk of women —

Will How is the mother-in-law? Still driving you round the bend?

Geordie Ah! No. We’re only talking about manly things — like boxing and…

Will Beer?

Geordie Beer.

Jace  How did you approach their growing friendship coming into season five? What were the sort of beats you wanted to hit?

Daisy It was Will’s journey mainly. And Geordie playing into that. Geordie seeing that his essentially his son has had his faith in himself and his faith in the world shaken to such an extent that he’s in danger of going off the rails. And it’s about pulling him back. Geordie is the father Will never hasd And it’s so lovely to see that in play. In a sense, Robson is a mentor to Tom because Robson has had the most amazing career, snd Tom is about to have the most amazing career. So it’s the same dynamic off screen as it is on.

Jace There’s one major addition to the Grantchester cast in the form of Lauren Carse’s Ellie Harding. Where did the idea for the character of Ellie come from and how is she different from the love interest we’ve seen to date on Grantchester?

Daisy We wanted somebody to challenge…Will, is quite, as well as idealistic, he has this sort of very strong belief in right and wrong. And Ellie is a character who…I wanted a bit of a His Girl Friday, kind of bantery relationship that sort of challenged him a bit and challenged his sense of right and wrong and challenged him sexually, I suppose, actually, let’s be honest. That’s what it’s all about. Here is a man who’s committed to celibacy and you throw an attractive fast talking girl who isn’t going to play by the 1950s rules and it’s kind of a recipe for. For disaster. But again, we were challenging him, I think, because he is so set in his beliefs. It was good to challenge him.

Jace Ellie loves a pint and a fight. She’s outspoken, and in your face, she’s ambitious and smart. What did Lauren bring to the role?

Daisy I sat in on the auditions for that and, we all, as soon as she left the room, we kind of did a little dance because she was perfect. She’s, um, she’s kind of from a quite a working class background. She went to there’s a drama school over here that I’ve of course forgotten the name of, that working class kids go to that is about being natural and being comfortable with acting and not putting on a performance. And it is as soon as she did that kind of performance, she screamed Ellie at us and she’s just fun. So it’s been nice to have a feminine element in the show.

Jace Will’s proposal of marriage to Ellie comes out of the blue. It’s so misguided and so confused and so tied up in his struggle to remain celibate. It also subverts our own expectations about courtship on television. Where did the idea come from that he would ask her to marry him so early on?

Daisy I think, so John Jackson, who is another writer on the show, who’s actually done the most episodes after me. It was his idea, really, because I think Will sees the world that way. He thinks. Here’s a problem. This is how you overcome it. So it’s, you know, his. I can’t. I love this girl. I can’t sleep with her. Let’s just get married. And it felt really sort of left field also quite right for Will that he he can’t…a problem is always surmountable in his mind.

Jace I mean, the whole idea that Will should remain celibate is tangled up in this notion of shame for his past, his dealings with women and his vocation. Without spoiling anything, can we expect that we’ll might be able to unpack his complicated feelings before the end of the season?

Daisy I hope so. In fact, yes, I think we can say that he safely does that. So the thing with Will’s character is that he is scared of falling. He’s scared of falling from grace. He’s been there before in his teenage years, he was a rebel who drank too much and had far too many women. And so for him, he’s on the straight and narrow. And if he takes one step off that, he’s going to keep falling until he’s in Hell. And it’s, I think what he needs to learn by the end of the series is life is more nuanced than that. There are more there are more ways to live. And shame isn’t helpful, really. He needs to shed his shame.

Jace Surprisingly, Leonard and Daniel seem truly and genuinely happy this season, which took me by surprise. Their initial handshake upon arriving back in Grantchester after the American holiday signaled that there might be distance. But that Eurovision party was so charming that we finally sort of get this sense of them as a domestic couple. But what was the concept for the two of them this year?

Daisy We were determined for them to be happy, actually, because it in truth, being a gay couple in the 1950s was hard and just, you know, punished, punishable by arrest and imprisonment. And we wanted to show I mean, there must have been a number of gay couples in the country at that time who were sort of living under the radar. And we wanted to do a story about a couple who can hold hands in Marrakech but can’t hold hands on the High Street in Grantchester and yet still, find they snatch happiness wherever they can. And that’s what we wanted. We wanted to romance with them. And for Leonard to find joy.


Leonard You’ve been the light in my life. I know that must sound trite…

Daniel It sounds rather wonderful, actually.

Leonard You’ve made all the darkness disappear. And part of that darkness is him. It’s my father. I’m scared to revisit that.

Daniel I won’t let you.

Jace Grantchester is a show about murderers and morality, but it’s also a show that leans rather definitely into its themes. The concept of Eden and sin looms large this season, as does families, both biological and found, and the changing role of women in the 1950s. In crafting the season arc, do you start with plot or theme?

Daisy This year, we started the theme and it came from really looking at 1957 specifically and seeing what that year was all about. And for that year was a year of optimism and prosperity. And there’s Big Mac in power saying, ‘Brits have never had it so good!’ And it is, they have money, they have jobs. Everything on the surface is perfect. And so that’s where we started. It was a bit John Jackson actually, who coined the phrase, Grantchester is Eden this series. But beneath that beautiful veneer, there are a hell of a lot of snakes just waiting to pounce.

Jace We’ll get to those snakes in a minute, because I do want to talk about episode five. before that Cath’s career path continues this year as she juggles work and home life. Ellie represents a young, upwardly mobile working woman, Frankie, Heather and Andrea bemoan the traps that ensnare women. How are the show’s female characters straining against expectations this season?

Daisy They are they’re all doing exactly that. I think they’re all pushing the boundaries. Cathy is a working mother, which is quite unusual and she’s quite empowered. Ellie is definitely she’s in a man’s world. She’s in a man, an office full of men. And it’s she she’s ambitious. She has to be ambitious because if she’s not a man is going to take her job. So they’re all pushing even Mrs. Maguire in her own small way is is moving into the future. I think when her relationship with Leonard and Daniel, which you won’t see until episode six, but they’re all pushing forward. They’re all finding themselves in this show. And hopefully that will they continue for this cause? Yeah. Next season. Pretty much the same. We’re going to keep pushing and pushing these women.

Jace Cathy and Diana’s storyline this season is particularly heartbreaking as Diana’s mental illness begins to worsen and we learn about Cath’s childhood, which he has kept secret even from Geordie. Where did the idea for the Diana storyline come from?

Daisy It came from Kacey Ainsworth, who has had in the past as a child, she had experience with a grandmother who had mental health issues and she just found it very fascinating, looking back at that time, which obviously wasn’t the 50s, she’s much younger than that. But she even then, there was a stigma attached to it. And even then she didn’t fully understand until she was much well, you know, a grown up she didn’t understand until then that this woman had had mental illness. And it was brushed under the carpet. And we just wanted to do something quite different sort of…Well I suppose Grantchester always just tries to throw the limelight on modern issues through the prism of this 1950s world. I found it fascinating looking at the research, how women were, you know, it was just it was just, “She has her ups and downs.” That’s it. That’s as far as it went. You didn’t talk about it beyond that.

Jace The scene where Geordie and Cath have to coax Diana into the ambulance was incredibly powerful and it also showed a very different side to Geordie.


Diana I’m frightened.

Geordie I know. We just want you to get well. But if I know one thing about the women in your family it’s that they’re tough as diamonds. Now shall we show the neighbors just how important you are?

Jace When did it become clear that this is how the Diana storyline would end?

Daisy Basically Geordie has to make amends to Cathy for all the mistakes he’s made in the past. And he he does that by making a decision for her. A heartbreaking decision, which is that her mom needs to get help, essentially. And so it resets Cathy and Geordie. They are never closer than they have been since series one, probably, but they are back together now as we reset that relationship and next series, we’ll get to take them in a new direction.

Jace Before this next question, let’s take a quick break to hear a word from our sponsors…

Jace The strained relationship between parents and adult children is particularly key to the season.Will and Amelia, Cathy and Diana, Leonard’s father next week and even in the episodic crimes this season. Did you plan to mirror these strands or did that come about organically?

Daisy We knew that we wanted Leonard to for his father to visit. When Kacey brought us Cathy’s story, it all seemed to dovetail and is, you know, Will essentially is constantly escaping his father. So even without his father being there, he’s on the same journey as are the rest of the characters, which is to shed that skin and move on and find himself out of the shadow of his parents. Which is. And I think there’s a particularly nice scene, og I say so myself, with Will’s mom, Amelia, and in the last episode where she’s pleased he’s escaping. You know, she can’t she can’t escape her legacy. But he can. So it’s about, yeah, it’s about moving on and about putting up with the imperfections and making the best of it.

Jace Those strands are echoed in the relationship between Will and Vic Morgan, who functions as a father’s surrogate for Will until this week’s very explosive reveal. Take me through the planning of the Vic reveal how early into planning the season. Did you know what he truly was?

Daisy We knew from the start. That was our first story idea that we had. That was the biggest arc we had and we always knew in episode five that was going to be the reveal. And we wanted to try to sort of tease it through that, in a way, your mind is tricked into thinking maybe this is a story about Will becoming better friends with Vic than Geordie. Maybe it’s a father-figure tussle. And then he realizes it’s kind of more than that. And it’s about, yeah, Will’s world is shaken to its core, really, in that episode.

Jace I mean, this season does such a good job of making you trust Vic just as Will does. I mean, he’s kindly he’s funny. He seems to care deeply. He’s a do gooder in the sort of spirit of Will. How important was it that we come to see Vic, as Will does, before you yank the rug out from under our feet?

Daisy I think it was really important to us because that’s how those men operate. They fool everyone. As Geordie says it to Will, these men fool everyone, They hide behind institutions and they hide behind this, in Vic’s case, the veneer of his lovely marriage with Marie. He is doing good in the world, but actually he really isn’t. And I think for Will to see that somebody has used the church in that way, used charity and goodness as a mask for something so vile.

Jace I mean, a lot of the success of that is down to Ross Boatman’s incredible performance as Vic. His character manages to turn on a dime from this kindly avuncular boxing coach to a depraved sexual predator. How much did Ross know ahead of time about his character’s true nature?

Daisy We funny enough, so Ross and I had a little chat on the phone. He was eating ice cream, which is an important detail with his kids. And he said, so I’d written a little page for him and he said, “The first paragraphs, it started off with, as all my characters do, ‘He’s an avuncular man. Everyone likes him.’” He’s like, “That’s what I get all the time. And then it’s paragraph three. And it turned on its head.” And he said, “From then I knew, I want to do this role.” And I because I thought I was finding him to persuade him to do it. And actually, he’s like, “No, I’m in. I’m in that’s great.” And I think what he does say put it in me, even in episode five, those scenes where he’s being questioned. He still plays as if he’s innocent. He’s still sort of believes he hasn’t done anything wrong, that he that he helps these boys and he sets them on the right path. I think there’s a sort of element of self delusion there.


Geordie Did you buy them, Mr Morgan?

Vic Well, it wasn’t the Missus, was it?

Geordie Who did you buy them for?

Vic The boys. I buy them all sorts – car magazines. Comics…

Will What else did you buy them?

Vic You’re going to try and make my generosity look sinister, aren’t you?

Will What did you expect in return?

Vic Nothing.

Geordie You don’t expect them to pay you back?

Vic No.

Will Not with a kiss?

Vic How could you even think that?

Will Not by climbing into bed with them?

Vic Is that what Matt’s said? That’s disgusting. It’s disgusting lies.

Will A boy made that up?

Vic A convicted criminal

Geordie I never agreed with your scheme. I thought it was a load of old bollocks. But I admired you for standing by those boys. How quick you are to throw them to the wolves..

Jace That’s what makes him such a monster. Those scenes, I think you’re right. I mean, he is still sort of professing his innocence that it’s like, well, you know, I just. So I help them. Yeah. It’s so monstrous and it’s so unexpected from Ross Boatman.

Daisy I know. And I just I just love that. He, again, is one of the nicest men in television. So to make him play that part, it was quite special, I thought.

Jace There is a subtle art to how Vic is written this season, it’s only after you realize that the truth about him, that the earlier episodes take on a very different light. When you rewatch the season, the truth is suddenly jumping out at you every time Vic is onscreen. But when you’re watching it the first time, it’s not obvious at all. How difficult a needle was that to thread in the writing?

Daisy It was quite tricky. It’s funny because I worried we’d gone too far in places that were moments where I thought, oh, no, they’re gone. When Matthew gets arrested and he’s obviously kind of hiding something and he wants swilled to know what he’s hiding. I thought, oh, no, people are going to guess it now. We’re going. But I think we sort of managed to get away with it. I was quite surprised. I suppose you have to, in a sense, be. Sew those seeds quite carefully and then just wait for them to explain. I’m glad you were shocked rather than, oh, you know, I could see it coming a mile off.

Jace No, super shocked. And like I said, it’s only going back and re watching the season that every time Vic is there, it becomes so creepy in. But at the time, it didn’t feel that way. It is so unnerving that you’re like you feel like Will does. How was I fooled?

Daisy Yeah.

Jace But his performance is so fantastic that it’s incredibly obvious how you were fooled because he seems so avuncular and so charming and so kindly, and that is his weapon. He’s able to weaponize that.

Daisy Yeah.

Jace Vic drives a wedge between Will and Geordie. It’s Vic that Will confides in about asking Ellie to marry him and not Geordie. Why is Geordie initially so put out by Will’s burgeoning friendship with Vic? Are there suspicions or is it just jealousy?

Daisy It’s just jealousy. I think, you know, in a small, manly way. I think that what’s interesting about it, that sort of fatherly nature in Vic, is that it’s grooming in a sense. He’s grooming Will as much as he’s grooming anyone to to hide who he truly is. And those little chats about, you know, my wife and I, we met on the pier and he tells all these lovely stories. It’s just a way of bringing Will into his confidence so that he doesn’t look, he doesn’t look for what is kind of quite obvious.

Jace So I when I his relationship with Will does give him this sort of additional veneer of respectability, that he’s so close with his vicar and if the vicar is friends with him, I mean, obviously, than nothing could be wrong here. It does place a respectability.

Daisy To bring in you know, he’s a quite blatant with it, bringing him into the ring and saying, without you, none of this would have existed. He will is his is. His front. Yeah. As much as Marie is it he’s being used. It’s horrible.

Jace Geordie does have a copper’s instincts. I mean, Vic does rub him the wrong way all the way back in the first episode. How is he always so bloody cheerful? Vick’s victors. Too many punches to be ahead. If you ask me. Does he know something subconsciously that there is something off with Vic? Morgan. Is it. Is that there?

Daisy I think that probably is. I think that Geordie is an instinctive man, as you said, is an instinctive copper and. If he doesn’t like somebody doesn’t doesn’t like them. I think. I think, but you see that in storytelling terms, if Geordie had got there first, it would have possibly ruined the surprise. But, you know, I think I think, Geordie, it didn’t surprise Geordie when he found out that he was a pedophile.

Jace We meet Matthew in the first episode, the season when he’s working at Newnham College. He’s disadvantaged. He’s prone to anger. The scene in the hospital where it clicks for Will links the two of them in these feelings of shame. Does Will recognize it instinctively in that?

Daisy Yeah, I think I think Will is a man who has, in essence, been abused by his own father. And he knows that he carries that shame with him. And he he hit that shame out of, I don’t know, some misguided loyalty. And it just. And he sees that for Matthew this kid who is quite, well is just as easily manipulated as anyone because who’s gonna believe him? He’s a good kid. He’s broken the law. He’s. You know, he’s poor. Why would anyone believe him? So I think we’ll sees that this kid is in real trouble and and yeah, sympathizes exercises with him.

Jace How much damage does this revelation that Vic is molesting the boys due to Will? Does this sort of shatter his entire world view?

Daisy Yeah, I think it does, because. He has found in his role as vicar. He has found a way to help people. And this has actually been doing the opposite, complete opposite. Not only that, he sent Matthew tried to leave and he sent him back into the lion’s den. And I think he feels wholly responsible for it. He feels, yeah, completely responsible. And it sort of is a it’s this is losing faith of his self, his own judgment. And it makes him really angry. And I at the end of episode five, we get this kind of slightly fire and brimstone sermon from Will because, religion, no punishment. He suddenly he sees going from this kind of quite liberal vicar to this, you know, these people should be punished. He’s so angry at himself and at the world. And I think in that moment, I think Tom Brittney, plays a blinder there, he’s really so angry.

Jace Well, I want to talk about the scene in the vestry before the sermon. His angered finally boils over. He smashes the mirror. The fact that it’s a mirror here seems significant. Is his anger not just at Vic or God, but also himself?

Daisy Yeah, absolutely. And we “ummed and ahhed” about this scene. And my producer Emma was like, ‘It’s a bit metaphorically on the nose.’ But then when we saw them, we saw him do it. When we saw him do to say and the director, Rob was like, ‘No, I can make this work. It’s going to work.’ And he brought this intensity to that. And I think the silence, the music kind of cuts away and it’s all silent is it’s just him. And as we’ve been saying, his own sense of shame. So it’s him in that moment alone with no comfort.

Jace He carries that fury into his sermon. It’s sort of an embodiment of his rage.


Will God gave us Eden. He gave us perfection. And what did we do? We destroyed it. We sinned. We grew prideful. And vengeful. And angry. We surrounded ourselves with snakes who only want the worst for us. And who do we blame for that? We blame God. How dare we? It is us. It is our doing. And it’s all we deserve. God will always forgive. He will always offer salvation. But I don’t believe all of us deserve it. If we sin, we break God’s law. If you sin, you do not deserve His love. You do not deserve His salvation. You deserve the snakes and the misery and the suffering. That’s all we deserve. It’s all we deserve.

Jace Why did you choose to end the episode on this note?

Daisy We’ve seen him do these kind of very lovely generally lots of chats about, you know, call me Will and Mrs. C’s cakes and his world is Eden and. And now he’s confronted Hell. And I think he wants everyone else to realize this is, you know, not playing around now. People the world is broken and we’ve got a face. We’ve got to face this world in them. And yet it’s I read it once. It’s we we kind of in the edit, we’ve kind of played around quite a lot with trying to keep it on his face as much as possible, cause this is just him. It’s him against the world. That’s what he feels like. And so, yeah, I did enjoy writing that scene.

Jace The final moment of the fifth episode, has Geordie watching Will from his pew in the church. What is going through Geordie head here? And can Geordie save Will from himself?

Daisy I think the fact that Geordie in church in the first place, we don’t we try to keep him out because he’s not really, in truth, a religious man. He is there purely in that moment to look on his friend. No. Yep. He’s spiraling. He’s spiraling to a bad place. And I think that sets the mission really for the last episode in Geordie’s going to save his friend, and I will not say if it works, but yeah, they say it’s about saving Will, bringing him back, showing him that the world isn’t all snakes.

Jace So the sort of mission statement for the final episode is sort of, “Saving Private will.”

Daisy Oh, yes. Why didn’t we think of that?

Jace How dark will things get? Before the end of the season?

Daisy If it goes a little bit dark, there is some darkness by you. I think this show tries to have a positive outlook on the world. So I’m not trying not to give things away, but there is some surprising elements, shall we say in the next episode.

Jace Will things between Will and Ellie come to a resolution of some kind? Is there a hope for reconciliation perhaps between them?

Daisy Yeah I think so. I think there is hope and there is. Potential for her to keep popping up, I think. But also, I think Will will be released after this series to go forth and find love, hopefully, maybe not in series six, maybe in series, seven. Who knows?

Jace I mean, what can we expect from a sixth season of Grantchester in the broadest terms, where would you like to take the characters next as we move ever closer to the 1960s?

Daisy It’s I think when when we hopefully get to make this show, when we can get some actors in the same room, I am I’m really excited about the series. It’s it’s a big test for all our characters. We want to do one story that would test them all. And. That kind of drives the series through and I think. It’s going to put some of our characters in pretty dire straits. So that’s that’s where we’re taking it somewhat. Quite different. I think

Jace So serial killer on the loose in Grantchester.

Daisy Leonard is a serial killer.

Jace No! Not Leonard.

Daisy No, nothing. Nothing. There’s no deaths. Well, there obviously is death. There’s lots of death. But in among all characters, it’s much more. Of a moral dilemma which has massive repercussions for everyone. Especially ones we love the most. So, yeah, it’s really fun. I’m really, really enjoying it. And we’ve got other writers. We’re acting away. So we’re all we’re hopefully making something good for you.

Jace Well, I can’t wait whenever it gets filmed. Finally, how are you spending time during these stay at home orders?

Daisy You know, it’s weird because I always work from home and I always wear elasticated slacks and you know, I always have snoozes in the middle of the day. So it’s in a weird way, my world hasn’t changed that much. And yet everything just feels very different. So we we’re doing a lot of doing a lot of yoga, I’ve gotten into yoga. Dog walking. A lot of watching Queer Eye and drinking wine. Really? That’s I mean, it’s there are elements of it and it sounds over there. Elements of it that are quite nice. Like being with my husband and seeing more of him. And then obviously and then there’s just the general horrificness of it all. So strange. It’s a strange balance.

Jace The good with the bad.

Daisy Yeah, exactly. Eden with snakes

Jace Eden with snakes! Bringing it back to Grantchester.

Daisy Did you see?

Jace Daisy Coulam, thank you so very much.

Daisy Thank you. It’s lovely to speak to you again.

Jace Will and Geordie have but one more mystery to crack this season — and it’s a real puzzler.


Geordie Mr. Martin. Inspector Keating.

Frank Robin, put the kettle on.

Robin I’m not a kid, Dad.

Geordie This morning we found the body of a woman on Jesus Green. We believe it to be that of your wife.

Jace Series stars Tom Brittney and Robson Green return to the podcast on Sunday, July 19.

MASTERPIECE Studio is hosted by me, Jace Lacob, and produced by Nick Andersen. Elisheba Ittoop is our editor. Rebecca Eaton is the executive producer at large for MASTERPIECE. The executive producer for MASTERPIECE is Susanne Simpson.



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