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National Cancer Institute Information Service
The Cancer Information Service (CIS) provides the latest, most accurate cancer information by telephone. You can call the CIS between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Frequently Asked Questions

National Cancer Institute (NCI)
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) offer this Web page for patients, doctors, and scientists seeking current information about cancer. In addition to providing general information about types of cancer and cancer treatments, this site features regular briefings on the results of clinical trials and topics related to cancer in the news.

The American Cancer Society (ACS)
The Web site of the American Cancer Society focuses on providing support for people living with cancer. Surf the Cancer Survivors Network, search for a comprehensive list of local cancer resources, read about complimentary and alternative forms of cancer treatment, and visit the online bookstore to browse titles related to cancer.

CancerNet functions as an annex to the NCI's main Web site. Much of the information provided here reiterates what you'll find at the NCI page, but CancerNet includes an extensive list of Web links related to cancer and other practical resources such as lists of related literature, local hospice and home care providers, and support groups.

Cancer News on the Net
Cancer News features the latest information regarding cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Read the Cancer News newsletter, which is updated weekly, or use the site's search engine to find an article on a specific cancer-related topic published in a wide range of other publications.

The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS) is a patient-led advocacy group devoted to representing cancer patients and doctors in public health policy. Learn more about NCCS and what it does at the site, which is also available in Spanish.

Cancer Trials
Another Web service of the NCI, Cancer Trials explains the ins and outs of clinical trials in layman's language. Want to know if you are a good candidate for a clinical trial? Do you need more information about how to enroll in a clinical trial? Cancer Trials provides a lengthy list of FAQ's sure to answer your questions.

Cancer Education
Education, information, resources, and tools designed to assist healthcare professionals in their day-to-day practice and patients and families coping with cancer.

CancerFacts has two separate Web sites, one for patients and one for physicians. Both sites are geared towards offering personalized information for the user. Create a profile for yourself by entering a type of cancer, stage of illness, age, and sex, and receive specific information tailored to your needs.

CancerTrack is another well-organized and accurate Internet resource for cancer patients and their families. The site's home page contains a Cancer News section that is updated every 15 minutes from over 2,000 sources.

EntreMed, Inc. is the biopharmaceutical company that licensed the three naturally occurring inhibitors of angiogenesis—endostatin, angiostatin, and Panzem (2ME2)—that were discovered in Dr. Folkman's Surgical Research Laboratory in Boston. While several drug companies are developing and testing different types of angiogenesis inhibitors, EntreMed is the only company conducting clinical trials of these naturally occurring drugs. EntreMed has an interesting and well-organized Web site full of information on the progress of their drugs' clinical trials, articles related to antiangiogenesis and Dr. Folkman, and a listing of helpful links for cancer patients and their families.

The University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center
The two Wisconsin residents who were featured in "Cancer Warrior" while enrolled in the clinical trial of endostatin received treatment at the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Center, one of 37 National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S., is a world leader in cancer research and treatment. Visit the Center's Web site for more information about its clinical trials. Though the endostatin trial is currently closed to new patients, clinical trials are available for other cancer drugs.

Children's Hospital, Boston
The pioneering angiogenesis research of Dr. Judah Folkman and his colleagues takes place at the Children's Surgical Research Laboratories at Children's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. If you wish to make a donation to support Dr. Folkman's research or want to find out more about the hospital where he works, visit this site.

The University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center maintains this extensive cancer education site and updates the site's information daily. The site is designed to provide cancer-related resources to a wide audience, from those who know very little about the disease to those who know more and are seeking in-depth information. Among the site's many unique features are hundreds of cancer-related book reviews and a section devoted to dealing with the financial aspects of cancer treatment.

Dr. Folkman's War: Angiogenesis and the Struggle to Defeat Cancer. By Robert Cooke. New York: Random House, 2001
Judah Folkman granted veteran science writer Bob Cooke extensive (and exclusive) interviews for this book, which we excerpt in Designing Clinical Trials. It tells the full story of the discovery of angiogenesis and its stimulators and inhibitors, some of which may provide physicians with a new means to battle cancer.

What You Really Need to Know About Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide for Patients and Their Families. By Dr. Robert Buckman. Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 1997
This book by a medical oncologist with more than 20 years treating patients with cancer covers a range of issues, including screening, diagnosis, and prevention; conventional and unconventional treatments; the difference between cure and remission; living with cancer, and more.

The Biological Basis of Cancer. By Robert G. McKinnell, Ralph E. Parchment, Alan O. Perantoni, and G. Barry Pierce. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998
This textbook leads undergraduates through all aspects of cancer, from the molecular to the clinical, from the biological basis to the human dimension. Chapters cover cancer pathology, metastasis, carcinogenesis, genetics, treatments, and more.

Serendipity: Accidental Discoveries in Science. By Royston M. Roberts. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989
"What do Velcro, penicillin, X rays, Teflon, dynamite, and the Dead Sea Scrolls have in common?" asks Royston Roberts in the introduction to this eminently readable book. "Serendipity!" If you want to step beyond the unexpected medical advances described in Accidental Discoveries, this is your source.

Special Thanks
Dr. Ann Chambers, University of Western Ontario
Susan Connors, Children's Hospital, Boston
Andrea Cross, associate producer, "Cancer Warrior"
Dr. Rakesh K. Jain, Massachusetts General Hospital
Nancy Linde, producer, "Cancer Warrior"
Dr. Robert A. Weinberg, Whitehead Institute, M.I.T.

Lauren Aguirre, Executive Editor
Jon Alper, Encoding
Molly Frey, Technologist
Rick Groleau, Managing Editor
Tim Halle, Encoding
Brenden Kootsey, Technologist
Lexi Krock, Editorial Assistant
Lingi Liu, Assistant Designer
Sydney Rose, Intern
Peter Tyson, Editor in Chief
Anya Vinokour, Senior Designer
Carla Waggett, QuickTime Interactivity
Closed Captioning, The Caption Center

Dr. Folkman Speaks | Cancer Caught on Video
Designing Clinical Trials | Accidental Discoveries | How Cancer Grows
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